Drummer Spotlight | Chris Turner | May 2023

Drummer Spotlight - Monthly featured drummers that are a continual inspiration to me and my playing

Chris Turner
What a bloody animal, what a bloody nice guy and what a bloody king of metric modulation.

Famous for hitting every note as hard as he can whilst looking like a prawn. ‘I’m not entirely happy with this’.

Chris’ Playthrough of Oceans Ate Alaska - Escapist popped up on YouTube when I was getting into the Djenty/Metalcore stuff - it blew me away. I’ve followed Oceans Ate Alaska and his solo stuff ever since.

2022 graced us with many great albums, but Steezy (Chris’ ‘solo’ album) and Disparity (OAA) were both in my top 3. He’s even on the more recent Termina stuff, which is excellent. Chris Turner + Andy Cizek is a dream.

Basically, he’s one of the best fucking drummers on the planet.

I can’t really pick a track to feature as everything on Steezy is incredible. So here are a few bangers.


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