Drummer Spotlight | Robert "Sput" Searight | August 2023

Drummer Spotlight - Monthly featured drummers that are a continual inspiration to me and my playing

Robert "Sput" Searight - Oh, Fusion is cooooool.

It’s been 10 years since I saw Snarky Puppy for the first time at the Koko in Camden (2013), 11 years since the masterful GroundUp album and 12 years since I first heard Slow Demon from Tell Your Friends.

Finding Snarky Puppy felt like discovering a secret, one that had to be shared.
I was 21/22. George Macdonald (the drummer for Kid Kapichi) and I were wrapped up in duvets in front of the fire, showing each other music on YouTube. He puts on Slow Demon. I thought Fusion was supposed to be cheesy? Maybe in the 80s. It blew me away and I’ve been hooked ever since.

Amazing groove, feel and chops. I don’t know if he’s left-handed but he plays left and right to an insane level.

Sput continues to inspire with Ghost-Note, whenever he’s out with Snarky Puppy or composing pieces for some of the best drummers in the world like JD Beck here. Oh yeah he’s an incredible pianist as well.


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