Drummer Spotlight | Matt Garstka | February 2023

Drummer Spotlight - Monthly featured drummers that are a continual inspiration to me and my playing

Matt Garstka
I’m fairly new to Progressive Metal. I think Metal as a whole has become vastly more interesting to me thanks to innovative drummers like Matt bringing incredible talent into the fold. I’m sure he’s paved the way for more Fusion/Berklee guys to play heavier music, and I’m here for it.

If you told me he was the best drummer in the world, I’d struggle to argue against it. He’s become one of my favourites and a complete inspiration.

His polyrhythmetricmodulation is beyond most people and then he has chops on top of it. He seems to somehow keep improving too, how.

Animals As Leaders - Parrhesia is my third favourite album of 2022, Red Miso my favourite track off the album.
I’ve been trying to learn it for a couple of weeks and I think it may take me a few more months and the purchase of a double pedal (damn you Matt, I’m too poor for this shit).


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