How To Choose A Logo Designer

Advice on what to look out for when choosing a Graphic Designer to Design your new Logo

A Varied Portfolio
When commissioning a Graphic Designer to create a logo for you, take a look at their Portfolio. Is it varied?

Some Designers will have a specific style they like to use when creating a Logo Design. That particular style may not be the right fit for your business. If a Designer has a varied Portfolio of work, it shows they can adapt their style to match the requirements of their client.

Designers who have a varied Portfolio of Design styles will be creating Logos based on research and a strong understanding of their clients business and audience.

Testimonials are a fantastic way of learning what previous Clients have said about your new Graphic Designer!

Ask Questions
You’ve found a Design Portfolio that you like, but you’re not sure where to start or you’d like more information.

I’ll often get sent an enquiry with a brief already attached, but you might not know what to include in your brief. A good way to start a conversation could include:

  • I’m interested in commissioning you for a Logo Design, are you available?

  • What do I need to include in my brief?

  • What’s your Design Process?

Ask for any information that you’d like to know. Cost, timeframe, anything. The right Designer will be happy to help you!

Avoid Bidding Sites
Bidding sites are sketchy at the best of times. It’s just not worth the risk and the morality.

Here are just some of the problems you can encounter using bidding sites:

  • Someone already has the Logo Design you’ve just paid for
    (A fine if another business has trademarked the Design already)

  • Unprofessional Design by someone untrained

  • Shady business practices
    (They’re pitting Designers against each other to outbid at prices that are not even minimum wage)

  • Destruction of Local Design Industries through outsourcing for the cheapest possible result

  • You’ll likely not be supplied with the file types that you need!

  • They won’t take the time to get to know you, your company, your goals and motivations

Bidding sites are unethical in every way. It boils down to you creating a brief which hundreds of people then create something to, without getting to know you in any way. That’s hundreds of man hours resulting in just one Design chosen.

An independent Designer or Agency will walk you through their process, learn everything about your needs and work with you to create something that you’re both proud of!

Let’s work together, drop me a message!


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