Logo Design - Why Hire A Professional?

Reasons you should hire a professional designer to design your new logo

Lasting First Impression
First impressions are important. If your logo design is professional and impressive, you’ll be taken more seriously.

My aim is to work with you to create something that your potential customers love as much as you do.


A professional logo designer will research your company and its competitors to ensure they create an original and engaging design.

I start by asking my clients detailed questions to determine their needs and how to target their audience.

File Types
Once the design is complete, your files will be made and sent you. You’ll likely need at least one for print and one for web as these use different colour spaces, CMYK and RGB. Print files also need to be significantly larger at 300-600dpi where as web files can be 72dpi.

The minimum I would send would be a PDF (print file) and a PNG (web file), both with transparent backgrounds. This covers most scenarios but we’d discuss your needs and I’d put together a design pack that includes everything you need and where to use them.

Effective Branding
Branding is critical for business. Your logo should reflect your message and essence.

Using my experience, research and working with you, we’ll create a brand identity that you, your ideal client, your target market and your industry, love.


How To Find Design Clients


Logo Design - Which Files Types?